How Do We Make Sense of the World's Growing Complexity & Become More Effective Within It?
The world is swiftly changing, and with each day the pace quickens. The pressure to respond intensifies. New global realities are rapidly working their way into the deepest structures of our lives: economic, social, cultural, political, and environmental realities with profound implications for thinking and learning, business
and politics, human rights and human conflicts. These realities are becoming increasingly complex; many represent significant dangers. And they all turn on the powerful dynamic of accelerating change.
The question of how to survive, let alone to thrive, is continually transforming itself. How can we adapt to reality when we lack the time to master it before it changes itself, again and again, in ways we can but partially anticipate? And for those of us in education, how can we equip our students to face the exponentially more complicated realities they will see in their own lifetimes?
The Answer:
Critical Thinking
The problems we now face, and will increasingly face, require a radically different form of thinking that is more complex, more adaptable, and more sensitive to divergent points of view than traditional thought outfitted for routine and automation. The world now requires that we continually relearn, routinely rethink our decisions,
and regularly reevaluate how we work and live. In short, the power of the mind to command itself – to regularly engage in self-analysis and self-evaluation – will increasingly determine the quality of our work, our learning, and our lives.
Join us for the world's longest-running critical thinking conference, now online and led by world-renowned experts on the Paul-Elder Approach to Critical Thinking – the most comprehensive, robust framework for the analysis, assessment, and improvement of human reasoning created to date.
A Different Type of Conference
We learn critical thinking by practicing critical thinking. Therefore, look forward to dynamic interactions with others at the conference as you
discuss, read, write, and think the ideas of critical thinking into your reasoning framework.
- Highly interactive sessions filled with stimulating discussions and activities.
- Concepts and tools you can immediately apply to your work, life, learning, and teaching. Nothing "purely academic" is taught here!
- Sessions occurring multiple times to accommodate participants in different time zones.
- Ten weeks' free access to the Center for Critical Thinking Community Online - the world's largest repository of critical thinking publications, videos, activities, and interaction among fellow critical thinking enthusiasts.
Conference Rates
Registration Options | Cost Per Person |
Early-Bird Rates - If Paid by April 28, 2023 | 1 Person | 2-3 people | 4-6 People | 7 or More |
Main Conference Only | $397 | $379 | $353 | $328 |
Main Conference & Pre-Conference | $494 | $472 | $443 | $409 |
Standard Rates - If Paid AFTER April 28, 2023 | 1 Person | 2-3 people | 4-6 People | 7 or More |
Main Conference Only | $483 | $461 | $429 | $394 |
Main Conference & Pre-Conference | $594 | $567 | $529 | $488 |
Pre-Conference Only - Pay by July 16, 2023 | 1 Person | 2-3 people | 4-6 People | 7 or More |
Pre-Conference Only | $192 | $181 | $163 | $144 |
Registration Closed
Types of Sessions
Focal Sessions
This year's Focal Sessions are live online workshops led by Fellows and Scholars of the Foundation for Critical Thinking. These sessions are 'Focal' because they focus on the foundations, or the central
ideas, in a rich conception of critical thinking. Each Focal Session targets one or more vital concepts or sets of principles in critical thinking, often in connection with essential applications of critical thinking.
Focal Sessions involve minimal lecture and a great deal of interactive group work. Most are appropriate for both new and returning attendees, while a few are for participants who have worked with us before; the latter will be marked as 'Advanced Sessions'
Guest Presentations
Guest Presentations will be prerecorded by conference participants whose proposals have been approved by Fellows of the Foundation
for Critical Thinking. These are presentations in which presenters share their experiences in bringing critical thinking into the teaching and learning process, into daily decision-making, throughout organizations or departments, or into any other aspect of work or life. Guest Presenters may choose to share their research in critical thinking, or their developed theory and application of critical thinking.
"How Can I Prepare to Get the Most from This Conference?"
1. Watch Dr. Linda Elder’s introduction to critical thinking .
2. Watch our tutorial video on how to navigate the Center for Critical Thinking Community Online, which will be used frequently during sessions.
3. See the list of publications we recommend to help you internalize conference concepts. Focal Session Presenters
Dr. Linda Elder
Dr. Linda Elder is an educational psychologist and international authority on critical thinking. President and Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Critical Thinking, she has taught psychology and critical thinking at the college level, and has given presentations to more than 50,000 educators and leaders. She has coauthored four books, including 30 Days to Better Thinking and Better Living through Critical Thinking and Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Professional and Personal Life, as well as 24 Thinker's Guides on critical thinking. Concerned with understanding and illuminating the relationship between thinking and affect, and with the barriers to critical thinking, Dr. Elder has placed these issues at the center of her thinking and work.
Dr. Gerald Nosich
Dr. Gerald Nosich is a noted authority on critical thinking and has given more than 250 workshops to instructors and governmental agencies on all aspects of teaching it. He is the author of Reasons and Arguments, Learning to Think Things Through: A Guide to Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum, and Critical Writing: Using the Concepts and Processes of Critical Thinking to Write a Paper.
Dr. Nosich has given workshops for instructors at all levels of education in the United States, Canada, Thailand, Lithuania, Austria, Germany, Singapore and England. He has worked with the U.S. Department of Education on a project for a National Assessment of Higher Order Thinking Skills; given teleconferences sponsored by PBS and Starlink on teaching for critical thinking; served as a consultant for ACT in Critical Thinking and Language Arts assessment; and been featured as a Noted Scholar at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Nosich is author of numerous articles, audio- and videotapes on critical thinking. He has been Assistant Director at the Center for Critical Thinking at Sonoma State University, and is Professor Emeritus at the State University of New York Buffalo State and at the University of New Orleans.
Dr. Carmen Polka
Dr. Carmen Polka has worked diligently to infuse critical thinking into her classroom instruction, curriculum, and assessment for nearly twenty years. Focused on transforming education through the implementation of quality instructional practices, Dr. Polka instigated and co-authored the Colorado Academic State Standards targeting research and reasoning based on the Paul-Elder framework. As a leader and critical thinking expert in her district, she led professional development and coached K-12 teachers to effectively utilize Paulian theory.
Dr. Polka is currently a principal at an elementary school, and she recently earned her doctorate in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies program at the University of Northern Colorado. She is also a licensed K-12 Special Education teacher.
Dr. Paul Bankes
For nearly twenty years, Dr. Bankes has played an important leadership role in fostering the Paulian conception of critical thinking in multiple school districts. As a principal, he led the implementation of this critical thinking approach to bring about state-recognized levels of achievement in three different Title I schools – a high school, a middle school, and an elementary school. He helped author the reasoning portion of the Colorado Academic Standards that are based on the Paul-Elder framework. In addition to his administrative experience, Dr. Bankes was an elementary school teacher, continues teaching critical thinking courses at the college level, and served as a Director on his School Board of Education.
Dr. Brian Barnes
Dr. Brian Barnes holds a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Humanities and an MA in Philosophy from the University of Louisville. Barnes is a veteran of the US Army, along with other non-academic careers, and currently teaches face-to-face and online classes at several universities in traditional philosophy topics, sustainability, and critical thinking. He has co-authored articles examining critical thinking strategies and tactics for the National Teaching and Learning Forum and is author of the textbook, The Central Question: Critical Engagement with Business Ethics . Barnes co-hosts the weekly radio show, Critical Thinking for Everyone!, on 106.5 Forward Radio in Louisville; he also created Adventures in Critical Thinking, a critical thinking comic book series.
What People Say About Our Conferences
"It cuts and thaws one's own reasoning and self-understanding by setting oneself forcibly to inquire and examine individual methods of thinking and one's own thought processes. . . . I would definitely want to continuously attend every year . . ."
"Something I considered as not just a conference but a lifetime opportunity for my communities and institutions because my impact will be made positively due to the knowledge, skills and experiences gained."
"I was delighted about being among critical thinking experts. This experience made me realize that I know very little about the development of critical thinking. However, I can say I have new challenges now. It was so good to share knowledge and experience with teachers from other countries, they were actually motivating."
"To be honest, I learned the most from all of the sessions; especially when it comes to the feedback given by the expert lecturers."
"It doesn’t matter how many times I attend, I always learn something new!"
"The level of expertise and knowledge of the presenters are excellent. In addition, I appreciate their positive attitudes, willingness to explain concepts, clarity of visual aids and handouts, and opportunities to ask questions."
"The insights I have gained from this one conference far exceed any other conference I have attended to date. Wonderful, insightful, well presented!"
"I loved the practical ideas and activities we got to engage in."
"I wish people in all walks of life would engage their minds and hearts in this way."
"It provides a depth of understanding that isn't possible from reading."
"Your "stepping-out" on the proverbial "limb" in designing this conference was worthwhile. The info was clearly presented, usable, concrete and even FUN!"
"No one can possibly participate without changing (or learning) some aspect of how to improve their own thinking."
Overview of Sessions
- A detailed daily schedule can be seen here
- Full Session Descriptions can be seen here
Sunday, July 23:
1:00 p.m. - 7:00p.m. EDT
Choose from the following…
- Foundational Concepts and Principles in Critical Thinking and Their Importance to All Instruction … Dr. Brian Barnes
- Socratic Questioning Through Critical Thinking... Dr. Gerald Nosich
- Critical Thinking for Professional and Personal Life... Dr. Paul Bankes
MONDAY, July 24:
- *Introduction to the Conference … Dr. Linda Elder
*Please view before attending sessions.
12:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
Focal Sessions I
Choose from the following…
- Placing Critical Thinking at the Core of the Curriculum… Dr. Paul Bankes
- For Business and Government: Why Purpose-Driven Leadership Requires Critical Thinking
… Dr. Brian Barnes
- For Returning Attendees: Richard Paul’s Contributions Within the History of Critical Thinking… Dr. Linda Elder
- *Introduction to the Conference … Dr. Linda Elder
*If you haven't already, please view before attending sessions.
3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. EDT
Focal Sessions II
Choose from the following…
- Teaching Students to Formulate and Reason Through Essential Questions in Your Discipline… Dr. Gerald Nosich
- Fostering Emotional Intelligence in Teaching and Learning and Throughout Human Societies... Dr. Carmen Polka
- Why Intellectual Character is Essential to Effective Leadership in Business and Government… Dr. Paul Bankes
- *Introduction to the Conference … Dr. Linda Elder
*If you haven't already, please view before attending sessions.
8:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. EDT
Focal Sessions III
Choose from the following…
- Repeat Session:
Placing Critical Thinking at the Core of the Core of the Curriculum... Dr. Gerald Nosich
- Repeat Sesion:
Fostering Emotional Intelligence in Teaching and Learning and Throughout Human Societies... Dr. Carmen Polka - Repeat Session
(For Returning Attendees) : Richard Paul’s Contributions Within the History of Critical Thinking… Dr. Linda Elder
TUESDAY, July 25:
12:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
Focal Sessions IV
Choose from the following…
- Understanding And Teaching Your Subject as a Mode of Thinking ... Dr. Brian Barnes
Teaching Students to Develop Intellectual Character... Dr. Paul Bankes - Critical and Creative Thinking and Why Each Presupposes the Other... Dr. Linda Elder
3:30 p.m. - 6:00p.m. EDT
Focal Sessions V
Choose from the Following Focal Sessions...
- Helping Students Learn the Fundamental and Powerful Concepts in Your Courses... Dr. Gerald Nosich
- How To Reason Through Ethical Issues Using Critical Thinking... Dr. Brian Barnes
- How to Understand and Foster Intellectual Empathy as a Habit of Mind... Dr. Carmen Polka
8:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. EDT
Focal Sessions VI
Choose one of the following sessions to attend…
- Repeat Session:
Helping Students Learn the Fundamental and Powerful Concepts in Your Courses ... Dr. Gerald Nosich
- Repeat Session: Teaching Students to Develop Intellectual Character… Dr. Paul Bankes
- Repeat Session:
Critical and Creative Thinking and Why Each Presupposes the Other... Dr. Linda Elder
3:00 p.m. EDT
Guest Presentations Posted
8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. EDT
Special Meetings on Professional Development (interested participants can choose one at the conference)...
- K-12... Dr. Linda Elder
- Higher Education... Dr. Gerald Nosich
- Business & Government... Dr. Brian Barnes
THURSDAY, July 27:
12:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
Focal Sessions VII
Choose from the following…
- Teaching Students to Think Within the Logic of Your Discipline... Dr. Paul Bankes
- Fostering Critical Thinking in the K-12 Classroom: Practical Strategies... Dr. Carmen Polka
- How Classic Thought Reveals Essential Knowledge, and Why Critical Thinking Is Essential to Judging the Classics... Dr. Linda Elder
3:30 p.m. - 6:00p.m. EDT
Focal Sessions VIII
Choose from the following…
- Critical Reading as Primary Vehicle for Cultivating the Intellect... Dr. Carmen Polka
- Teaching Students to Study and Learn Using the Principles of Critical Thinking... Dr. Gerald Nosich
- For Administrators:
Placing Critical Thinking at the Heart of the Institution’s Mission... Dr. Brian Barnes
8:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. EDT
Focal Sessions IX
Choose from the following…
- Critical Thinking Therapy: For Mental Health and Self-Actualizationers ... Dr. Linda Elder
- Fostering Skilled Writing Using the Tools of Critical Thinking... Dr. Gerald Nosich
FRIDAY, July 28:
Choose from the following closing sessions...
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. EDT
- Early Closing Session ... Dr. Linda Elder
8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. EDT
- Late Closing Session... Dr. Gerald Nosich