The Center for Critical Thinking Community Online
Fostering fairminded critical societies
where intelligent people pursue intelligent conversations
and learn the skills of critical thinking.
30-Day Free Trial Available!
Institutional, Department, and Classroom Memberships Available!
Special memberships are available for schools, colleges, universities, and other organizations! A two-week complimentary trial is available. For details, visit the Community Online registration page and click the "More Membership Options" button.
About the Center for Critical Thinking Community Online . . .
The Foundation and Center for Critical Thinking are pleased to invite you the Center for Critical Thinking Community Online. This interactive learning and communications platform provides subscribers a place to develop together as reasoners through a multitude of avenues, including:
- A self-paced Academy , where you will find dozens of interactive learning activities for you (and your students); these can be completed, saved, and shared with others and in class.
- The world's largest online critical thinking Library, containing Thinker's Guides, articles, books, and countless hours of video.
- Study Groups – join one, or create your own!
- "ConneCT " – the site's social media component, where you can publish your thoughts, share completed
activities, and discuss with others.
- "The Newsroom" – comment on articles dealing with some aspect or application of critical thinking, and rate how well each article adheres to the Intellectual Standards.
- A Critical Thinking Blog with entries by Dr. Linda Elder, international expert on critical thinking, and specimens from the archives of Dr. Richard Paul, founder of the modern critical thinking movement.
- Exclusive Open Q&A Sessions with our Fellows, in which members can ask about specific components or applications of critical thinking.
- Guided Study Groups, in which our experts help you develop your critical thinking through live meetings and carefully-designed assignments.
No internet trolls. No empty gossip. Just learning, discussing ideas, and striving toward the most fairminded critical community that humanity is capable of.
30-Day Free Trial Available!
Educators, Administrators and their students. - Independent scholars.
- Professionals.
- Anyone looking to learn the tools of ethical critical thinking and how to apply them to everyday work, study, and life, as well as to the major problems facing human beings and our planet today.